Biofilm Eraser

Biofilm eraser
Mucositis, periodontitis
5 x 0.6 ml syringes
Hypochlorite sodium and amino acids

Why PERISOLV as a biofilm eraser?

Elimination of the biofilm is key for the treatment success of periodontitis, peri-implant muscositis and peri-implantitis.

  • Elimination of the biofilm [1]
  • Improvement of peri-implant situations such as mucositis [2]
  • Reduction of pocket depth [3,4]

Periodontitis, peri-implant mucositis, and peri-implantitis are bacterial inflammations with similar symptoms. The underlying cause behind all three indications, which progress in a similar way, is bacterial plaque forming a biofilm, rich in pathogenic bacteria. The softening of the biofilm and effective elimination of the bacteria is the key prerequisite for the successful treatment of these conditions.

Perisolv biofilm eraser mode of action against periodontitis, periimplantitis, and mucositis

What does PERISOLV do?

Perisolv, as a biofilm eraser, is a debridement gel used in addition to mechanical debridement. When hypochlorite sodium is activated with amino acids and applied on the biofilm, even in locations hard to reach, the solution alters the biofilm’s matrix. It enhances bacterial removal by mechanical debridement [5] and facilitates its removal.

This biofilm eraser is effective in treating root surfaces and allows for PDL cell survival, attachment, and spreading onto all root surfaces [6].

Tip: Use Hyadent BG after the biofilm removal with Perisolv, to regenerate and preserve the treated site. Discover more with the Clean & Seal treatment concept.

How to use Perisolv?

Treatment of mucositis by Dr Marisa Roncati with Perisolv to erase the biofilm

Treatment of peri-implant mucositis by Prof Vincenzo Iorio-Siciliano, University of Catanzaro, Italy

Treatment of a furcation defect by Prof Vincenzo Iorio-Siciliano, University of Catanzaro, Italy

Non-surgical treatment of residual periodontal pocket by Prof Dr Stefan Fickl University of Würzburg, Germany

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  1. NB: Enhancing bacterial removal by mechanical debridement.
  2. Iorio-Siciliano V, Blasi A, Stratul SI, Ramaglia L, Sculean A, Salvi GE, Rusu D. Anti-infective therapy of peri-implant mucositis with adjunctive delivery of a sodium hypochlorite gel: a 6-month randomized triple-blind controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral Investig. 2020 Jun;24(6):1971-1979. doi: 10.1007/s00784-019-03060-2. Epub 2019 Aug 21. PMID: 31432311.
  3. Guarnelli ME et al. ‘Professional local administration of chloramine-based treatment in conjunction with ultrasonic mechanical instrumentation: clinical outcomes in patients with deep periodontal pockets persisting following active non-surgical therapy’. Minerva Stomatologia, April 2015; Vol. 64 suppl. 1 al No. 2: 158-159.
  4. Data on file.
  5. Jurczyk K, Nietzsche S, Ender C, Sculean A, Eick S. In-vitro activity of sodium-hypochlorite gel on bacteria associated with periodontitis. Clin Oral Investig. 2016;20(8):2165-2173. doi:10.1007/s00784-016-1711-9
  6. Schmidlin PR, Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Mueller HD, Sculean A, Lussi A, Miron RJ. Effects of air polishing and an amino acid buffered hypochlorite solution to dentin surfaces and periodontal ligament cell survival, attachment, and spreading. Clin Oral Investig. 2017;21(5):1589-1598. doi:10.1007/s00784-016-1950-9

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